Sunday, March 22, 2009

my hols

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ntahla, nggak tawu mau kata apa . huk . my hols is quite best, not so boring . on last fri, i went to UPM and took my cutielittlefattycat, pocu which was admitted frm hospital today . nahh, amekkk kau ! kucen msuk wadd weyy . haha .

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then, pegi kt JPN, putrajaya . buat IC si dina *baru smpai dr indon . haha . jgn mrah senapang .. :D cuace AGAK pnas wktu tu, but berbekal smgat yg tinggi serta jitu, kami meneruskan pejalanan jugak . oihh, naek keta je . haha . sesampainye Azman & the family di sane, kami mengorak lgkah menuju ke tangge . chupchup ! dee, pesal ngan ayt kau ? meh sni aku jawab, gasak aku laaa . blog aku . :P MALANG TK BERBAU (eventho malang tk pnah mandi, pelik..) surat beranak si macik neh tk bwak pulakkkk . aishhh . pe lagi, membebel lah my mum * thnkiew mum . :D and mengamuk lah my dad * thnks too dad . haa, pdan kau dina ! hahaha . nk tknk, tpkse la pulg ke bandar parklands..

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setibenye di sane, poce jejalan di taman . lantak kau lah, cu. ya ngantuk . :P jd, berakhir episod dee pd ari tsbut .

ari sbtu, kua ngan cousin and sibs ke AEON Bukit Tggi . rumah dh dkat, port baruuu la nmpknye . haha . pe lagi, berbekalkan duit pmr yg ade, shopping la puaspuas . :D bestbest . *but tk ckup lagii . c(: while my lalink was sleeping at his home, i've got fully spending my times by looking over the sales . haha , dee teruk . :P

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but yeah, once i reached home, i borrowed my mum's phone ( sengal tk sengal . :D ) and called him . "..hye syg..awk suda okay ? .." >yg laen censored lahh , private confidential .haha . overall, my holidays are fine . (:



  1. tgk gmba kt ats short sleve..x pham2 lg org ckp..ttup aurat..grrr
    n pic yg las skali 2,haha nmpk prot die buncit..hahaha

  2. haha.aeon tmpt kita bersama lepak lahh nanti:)
