Ciao peeps ! (Hello in Italian) Huahua . Now I speak in Italian ? Por favor, I only know afew words . :P Okay, as we all know, the PMR exam had just finished two days ago . Chaitt, sukalah korang en bebudak tahun '94, memang tak aa . Garr . Senior korang ni tengah struggle menunggu detik 'Final Exam' je neh . Hadoi .
Last year, I was in 3 Pesona . Meaning that, I was an Agriculture stream's student . Huahua . Elektif KHB en, well . c(: I had to admit that this stream is kinda easy to score the result . Bukan kerek eh, but it's a reality . Actually that subject is not one of my fav but then, after I learnt about it and studied, I realized it wasn't difficult . I mean, in range 1 until 10, I will absolutely give 8 . Hee .
Other subjects, 50-50 la . BM, BI, Maths, Sej, Agama, Science and Geografi . Date exam ; 13-17th Oct 2008 . Angka giliran ; BH1091008 . Jiran meja ; Intan (kiri) Shah Iman(kanan) Farahanny (belakang) Amir Asnawi (depan) . Gah, ingatan gue masih mantap lagi dong ! :D Paper paling menyirap ialah paper Sejarah . Bukan apa, dah menghafal bagai separuh nyawa tapi soalan yang keluar, almost 50% la tanya tentang 'akibat peristiwa ini, apakah pengajaran yang boleh anda pelajari ? ' GAHHH, SOALAN MACAM NI PUN BUDAK DARJAH 5 BOLE JAWAB . Garr .
But if sesape penah nampak la en, budak Durra ni selalu menangis kat sekolah . Haha . Same case that happened on the first day of PMR and also, on the last day of PMR . Yelah, takut kot .
Result tah macam mana tah hasilnya, haihh . But then, bila dah lepak ngan kawan balik tu, memang tak ingat dunia dahhh :D
On the day I took the result, which fell on 31st Dec 2008, I was totally in high-level of nervous . Bangun gila awal pagi tu, terus tak tido tido . Huu . Takut.cuak.stress.gementar - all in one . Padahal ambil result pukul 11am . Nak buat macam mana, hormon adrenalin terlebih . :P Sampai je sekolah, memang terus cari geng KBK . But seriously tak cakap langsung ngan diorang semua, soryy guys ): Diorang pun faham, esp eno . Dia nampak my legs were shaking like Elvis :P .
Tiba detiknya, memang beratur nak depan je en, hekk . Cikgu memang kejam . Nak tau kenapa ? Dia sebut nama ikut kelas ! Urghh . Dah la 3pesona 3rd class en, memang lama dah tunggu . Pastu, cikgu siap bagitau, 'Tahun ini, hanya 25 orang sahaja yang dapat 8A' Gahh, lemah longlai rasa time tu . Bila cikgu sebut nama time tu, seriusli my name was the 21st names among the 25 students . That time, memang dah agak dah mesti takdapat 8 punya, mesti . Sipi sipi je ni, nama yg nak disebut pun dah nak habis ..adeh, die man die . Last last sebut jugakk ! But then, that time memang dah menangis dah, cz dah bajet nama takkan ter'listed' punya . *tengok, kan dah kata aku suka nangis . Haha* Memang melompat if boleh nak sampai ke langit je .
Then, ape lagi, terus call and forward the same message to my fellas la . 'I've got 8A's !' Ada yang bagi good response, ada jugak yang kerek punya response . (sape makan cili terasa la pedasnya )
Dah call sume sume, pegi kat ma and hugged her . Yeah, finally :D Lunch, Secret Recipes terus . And my phone tak henti message and call masuk . Terimas buat semuas , huahua . Later, balik rumah nenek, time collect hadiah la en ? Yeah babyyyy ! Hahaha
- My own DSLR - Canon EOS 1000D
- Choc-indulgence
- Dinner at Palace of the Golden Horses
- Tropicana Life's stuffs
- Rm200 from the grandparents
Yang belum cuma spa treatment from my mum . Ma, you owed me something B) But th best gift that I ever recieved was the satisfications from my beloved ones . Thank god, they glad with my achievement and hope I can repeat it in my SPM . Keep going pray for my success, God's willing I'll try my best . Gracias, la famiglia <3
Take notes : Away for a month for the Final Exam . To all my collegues, all the best and good luck .
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