Friday, March 6, 2009

relax~ for a moment :D

okay la, i won't start my story with "today, i wake up blabla.." cz its boring rite ? always starting with the same sentences . so, let me tell you about interesting thg that happened on me today . *interesting i guess :D

at school, my English teacher asked to the students, " there has anyone who could possibly know how to use a handycam ? " suddenly i raised up my hand . yelaa, mmg tawu pun agkt jela . igtkn teacher perlukn cameraman for the drama and etc . then, teacher came over to my place and asked me, "nak jdi AJK Tinta ? AJK Fotografi . " ohh tidakkk ! not again . quickly i replied, "let me think bout it first . but, i will give my answer asap . (: " seb baek teacher okay, cm tk rush sgt . fuhh selamat !

in the evening, around 3pm,while i was doing some Add Maths exercises, my cellphone rang . it was QUITE shocked bcz the caller is S . i was just like "..omgomg . am i dreaming ? " then, when i picked up the phone, he asked me, " durra, hye . emm, mirul ade ? " i became speechless, just bcz i was waiting for his call all ths times and now ? ..only God knows . i replied, "mirul ? emm, if tk silap, die dh pegi ke sepang dh . nape ? penting sgt ke bende yg nk smpaikn ni ? " " haa ? die dh pegi ? ptutla call tkdpat . emm, tkpela if cmtu . bile die dh blek, call S eh ? " "erk, ha, ha . nati durra smpaikn . ade pape lagi ? " "emmm, tk kot . ha, tk tk . emmm . okay la, bye " " ha ? ohh, okay . byebye . take care ." then, the line was disconnected . my goodness, my body was shivering that time . adehh . seriously, i dunno how it could be happened . take a deep breath~ uhhhh~ :D perhaps, im too missg him . yela, suda lame gile tk cntct weyy . huk .

before i forget, i've got a funny story to share with all of you . best weyy ! haha . bpak lwak . while you guys relax2, bacela . :D

*not a true story okay ? haha .

Leman, Sarip & Atan ( bukan name sebenar aww ! :D) tersesat di dlm sbuah hutan swktu pegi memburu . Btmbh malang, ketika mencari jlan pulang, diorg telah dtgkap oleh skumpulan Org Asli kanibal . semase dihdapkn ke hdapan ketua puak tu, ketua tu bgtawu, "kamu sume akn kami masak & dijadikan sup . kamu tidak bole mlpaskn diri KECUALI jika kamu melepasi ujian yg tlah ditetapkn"

"tetapi sblum ujian itu dijalankan, sye hendak kmu semua pegi ke dlm hutan & cri 10 biji buah yg sme jenis utk dibawe pulg. faham ?"

"bole tok ketua !" jawab 3org manusia tadi . haha .

Di shortcut kan cite, diorg pun pegi la ke dlm hutan dgn dikwal oleh bbrape org asli bg pastikn diorg tk telepas . Sejam pastu, Leman kembali dgn bwak 10 biji manggis . ketua puak kanibal tu bg arahan , " Ujian akn dijalankan ! skrg, tgglkan seluar kamu and sumbat kesume buah tu ke dlm lubg bon**t kamu . Muka kamu tidak bole bekerut & kamu juge tidak bole menjerit atau mengerang . jika tidak, kamu akn dimakan ! ingat, muke kamu kne relax sj, mcm tkde pape yg belaku"

Leman dah menggigil 1 bdan dhh . aduhh, leman rse cm nk pengsan dh . tapi nk buat cmne..

maka, bmulalah sesi menuymbat buah mggis ke dlm lubg bon**t leman . SATUUU! jerit org asli n the gang . blum msuk abes buah mggis yg petame, leman dh menjerit dh . pe lagi, ke kwah bwah utk dijadikan sup lahh hala tuju die skrg .

lima min kmudian, sarip pulak smpai . die bwak 10 biji rambai . ala, rambai ape la sgt .. :P setlah diberi penerangan, sarip trus bukak sluar n msukkn 1 demi 1 . ala, tkde prob pun . besa mne je buah rmbai tu pun . tgah sdap msuk 1 demi 1, die dh dok berangan yg die akn dibebaskn . bile nk msuk buah yg t'akhir, tetibe je die ketawe dgn tebahak2 . pe lagi, die pun join skali la ngn si leman td tu .

plik btul leman ngan prgai "gile ttibe"si sarip tu . dlm kwah die tanye, "pesal kau gelak td ? kan kau tggl lg 1 je pastu leh lepas dh " si sarip jwb , "aku tk bole than la leman . tgah aku relax sumbat buah tu, tetibe aku nmpk dr jauh, si atan angkut 10biji durian . kau bygkn la cne die nk msukkn buah tu . hahahahaha " smbung sarip smbil tunjuk atan yg tgah jinjing 10 biji durian .

~the end~

dee (:

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